About Us

Taken from ycl.org.uk

We have all been taught in school that Communists are evil, foreign, anti-religious, and anti-democratic so it must be true...it is isn't it?

In fact communists have a long and proud record of struggle in Britain ever since the 1920s, in trade unions, the peace movement, communities, schools & colleges, universities and workplaces.
We fight for More Democracy, More Rights to transform society from one where power is in the hands of a tiny minority to one where power and control is exercised by the overwhelming majority.

Communism may be all good on paper but it doesn't work in practice right?

In fact Socialism & Communism is more than just a theory not only has it been put into practice and has helped to deliver record levels of living standards in what were third world countries but we have a shining example of a communist society working today, Cuba. Cuba has a far more democratic system than any western capitalist country, providing open debate at all levels and yearly elections for every position in government from local civil servants to the president with massive levels of participation. It has a 100% literacy rate and a greater doctor to person ratio than any country in the world. All these achievements are in spite of the fact  that Cuba is effectively a third world country economically due to a 40 year long illegal economic blockade of the island by the US. Just imagine what could be achieved in a Socialist Britain

Isn’t Communism against human nature, people are naturally selfish aren’t they?

This is actually a steaming pile of bo**cks human beings are social animals, people act unselfishly and collectively every day of their lives. Capitalism distorts human behaviour, it encourages ordinary people to screw each other whilst a tiny minority hold all of the power & wealth. The richest 10% own three quarters of the wealth whilst the bottom 50% of the population in this country own less than 1% of the wealth!!! A socialist society would put power and wealth in the hands of the majority.

But Capitalism works doesn’t it, why do we need Socialism & Communism?

War, economic crisis, poverty are natural consequences of capitalism. If the past couple of months have demonstrated anything its that capitalism doesn’t work. Millions of people have no say in how their daily lives are run, the fat cats and super rich are in their privileged position because they exploit millions of ordinary people on a daily basis.
The level of personal debt is larger than our GDP, people can barely afford to pay for the most basic costs of living. Apparently there’s no money for housing, transport, health but when banks have got into problems due to their own irresponsibility, the government is ready to plow hundreds of billions of pounds to bail them out.

The YCL - Fighting for our Future

  • The YCL is a democratic organisation of young people committed to the struggle against capitalism & imperialism for socialism & communism.
  • We are a part of a international movement involving millions of young people across the globe.
  • Our members are not just active in the YCL but in schools & colleges, universities, local communities, work places & trade unions, broad mass youth organisations in the peace movement, solidarity & cultural organisations.
  • The YCL does not place its own interests above that of the progressive movement in Britain, or the interests young people and the working class as a whole.
  • We believe that a fundamental shift in society can be achieved by mass popular struggle for a socialist programme of policies which can lead ultimately to a socialist & communist Britain.

The YCL aims not to mend capitalism but to end it! Act now and join us for a bright and better future.